This was the first week of the course and I was excited that this class was added to the program. Our goal for this course is to create an interactive prototype for a mobile application called “Lunch Money Buddy” which will be used by parents to add lunch money to their children’s account at school. The best part is that we pretty much can design the app anyway we want as long as it includes the features and specifications that was given.

This week we had two assignments:

User Journeys

The user personas were provided but we had to come up with task as well as how they completed those tasks. The end goal for the journeys were easy to come up with for each persona. Where I ran into issues was with the actual steps to get there. I was already in design mode thinking about the wireframes and layouts. So I had to take a step back and generalize my steps. pretty much trying not to go into to much detail.

Site Map

I didn’t have any issues coming up with the sitemap. but after reading one of the required reading for this week: Wayfinding For The Mobile Web .I was able to come up the navigational structure that I though was best.

I am really looking for for the next week in which we start wireframing.

- George