Qualitative and Quantitative Usability Measures

For this week, our focus was to learn about Usability measurements  usability studies.We had two assignments this week:

Facial Expressions Discussion

in this assignment, we had to search the web to find any information we could about measuring facial expressions in a usability context and post a link and a comment about what we found.

honestly i had a hard time finding an article. so i found two link with information on facial expression in general. lucky a lot of my classmates had better luck. they found some pretty interesting articles.

Quantitative Measure of Usability Brief Assignment

in this assignment we had to pick a quantitative measure for an usability study based of chipotle.com. i know another food related assignment. :-)

I chose to write mine on “time on task”. in the brief, I provided my reasoning on why we should use the measure, the Pros & Cons of the measurement ,and ways the results could be presented in an actual usability report. For the most part the assignment was straight forward. I also tried to work on the presentation/formatting to make it less academic looking since the brief was meant for stakeholders.
