Module 1, Week 2: Moderated Remote Usability

This week our assigment was to setup our remote unmoderated usabilty on  and recruit at least three partcipants.

We were given a list of different types of websites could test. I decided to go with food ordering websites and the site I selected was

Once we picked our site we had to create three tasks as well as follow-questions and post study questions.

For the most part setting up the study on was pretty simple. I just wish the tool had better text formatting options as well an option the add checkbox questions.

For recruiting, I sent my link to several of my friends and coworkers. As of writing this I only have 2 responses. This happened because of issues with validately. a lot of my participants quit mid-way through because it was taking too long to finish. The issue was due to bad internet connection and loading. I think its an error on the tool’s end because almost of all my participants had the same issue.

hopefully I will have enough responses by next week.
