Course: Interaction Design

Tools: Paper, Balsamiq,

Role: Interaction Designer


For this project, I was given seven weeks to created a mobile app called “Lunch Money Buddy.” The app allows parents and guardians of school age children to manage various aspects of their kids’ in-school cafeteria lunch accounts. The app allows parents and guardians to do the following things:

  • Download and sign up.
  • Add funds the account.
  • View account balance.
  • View school lunch menu by child.
  • View subsidy status.
  • Add a lunch to a list of favorites.
  • Close account.


User personas as well as application specifications were provided as a starting point for this assignment. From there I created user journeys for the provided personas as well as a sitemap for the application. Next I began to sketch out wireframes for Lunch Money Buddy on paper based of my user journeys and sitemap. After sketching I recreated my wireframes digitally using a wire-framing tool called Balsamiq. Then I moved my design to which is a prototyping tool. Here I made my wireframes interactive. Including navigation, gesture controls, and finalized all interactions and micro interactions. Finally, I added example content to prepare for usability testing.


Below are some screenshots of the deliverables created as well as a link to the prototype.

User journeys
Sketches and final design
Link to full Wireframes

Visual Mockups
Link to the app

Lessons Learned

From this Project I learned the following:

  • The common methodologies, expectations and deliverables of interaction Design.
  • How to create appropriate user journeys utilizing user personas.
  • How to create sitemaps through effective visual presentation.
  • The different types of wireframes and their appropriate use in interaction design.
  • Create wireframes based on project research, user personas, user journeys, and sitemaps.
  • How to Identify standard navigational structures for mobile projects.
  • How to construct a functioning prototype that will allow for basic user testing.
  • The importance of constructive feedback, Critique, and peer interaction.